
Sugoi Labs providing SaaS solutions to the fitness industry

sugoi labs bangalore startup

Sugoi labs is a Bangalore based company started by Amar Saurabh and Nayan Mittal. Started in 2013 as a web designing firm, this 8 member team is now working on web/cloud/mobile applications.

They have come up with the SaaS solution for gyms and fitness centres 'FITKO' which automates a fitness centre's complete business process. It makes life of trainers, gym owners and members easier. It is in closed-beta and they already have some paying customers for this product. “However we do not just create applications which are run of the mill. Instead we work on a concept called as Business Process Re-engineering wherein we craft and develop technologies front ending in applications which help re-vitalize business processes,” said Amar.

founder_sugoi_labs"Sugoi is a Japanese word which means awesome, incredible. I had read somewhere that Japanese is the sweetest language in the world and since ours is a customer serving business, we wanted to pick this word for our Company name which would imply an end to end sweet collaboration and working experience," says Nayan. Nayan, who is a keen mobile app developer, has been developing for windows and blackberry while pursuing engineering from Manipal Institute of technology.

They have partnered with a Canada Based cloud computing company '21st Century IT works’ and a few other companies in India like Idol’s Eye and HumanKart. 18 months down the line, they expect their fitness product to be being used by at least 200 gyms and fitness centres all across India. They are also planning to reach out to the market in Canada. They are currently not funded and plan to add re-engineering solutions to a number of business domains.

As a message for future entrepreneurs, Amar says “Before you start, make sure, you do a lot of soul searching and have a reason other than money to be an entrepreneur.”

sugoilabs fitKo screenshot

fitko fitness app
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