
Lenovo developing a wearable smart glass similar to Google Glass


Lenovo, the world’s largest PC makers has come up with its own prototype version of wearable smart glasses which looks similar to the already famous Google Glass.  The prototype was unveiled to the world on July 24th in order to get the attention of other hardware manufactures and developers towards a new partner program.

This wearable device by Lenovo looks almost similar to the Google glass, the only difference being that its battery is attached down at the wearer’s neck. The battery is connected to the device by a small blue wire.  More details about the device are scheduled to come out in the month of October.

Lenovo is currently also in look out for partners to develop its products like air purifiers for the Chinese homes and wireless routers. It is also looking out for opportunities to team up and invest money in tech companies whose work involves something beyond Smartphones and Personal computers.

The Chinese PC maker has even teamed up U.S. smart glasses manufacturer Vuzix in order to bring its own product called Vuzix M100 into the Chinese market. This product will be in addition to Lenovo’s own prototype.

The M100 Smartglasses will make use of a 1 GHz dual-core processor and an Android 4.0.4. It is expected to go on sale to developers in the month of August or September for around $1298 in China. The device is targeted at business users.


The M100 promises to offer unprecedented access to data collection, information and more. It also comes with pre-installed apps which can be used to record and playback videos and still pictures, manage your calendar, track timed events and link to your Smartphone and much more.

Lenovo’s prototype is a part of its NBD project which aims at creating a host of internet connected devices like Smartphone controlled toasters, air purifiers and fridges by taking help from third party manufactures.

Luftmed, a German based Company is currently working with Lenovo’s NBD program in order to sell Smartphone controlled air purifiers in China. The New Air X330 by Luftmed will offer more cleaner air and accurate statistics than its counter parts.


Top Image via - Michael Kan @Twitter
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