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State of Mobile 2013 - Infographic


By the end of year 2013 there will be more mobile devices on earth than people and 56% people of the world own smartphones in May 2013 comparing 35% in May 2011. These are some of stats and figures you will see in the infographic below that predict some of the important state of mobile world in year 2013.

The infographic prepared by Super Monitoring, a website availability monitoring company and the pictorial graphic depicts  stats such as mobile phone adoption rates, smartphone penetration rates, most popular mobile browsers, mobile/tablet sales figures, media consumption habits on mobile devices.

Some of the primary statistics shown in the infographic are:

  • More than 2 billion mobile devices will be shipped globally this year.

  • Android devices rule the mobile OS market with more than 1000 million Android devices expected to sell in 2014

  • 50% of mobile phone users, use mobile as their primary Internet source

  • 80% of time on mobile is spent inside apps

  • 72% of tablet owners purchase online from their tablets each week

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