The first trailer of the highly anticipated Indian Tamil film 'Kochadaiyaan', starring south India's superstar Rajinikanth, has been unveiled on Youtube on Monday this week thereafter the video gone viral and within 60 hours the video got more than 2 million views and by the time we are writing this article it has got 2,079,061 views. Kochadaiiyaan which means - King with long, curly mane, is an upcoming Tamil period film directed by Rajnikanth's own daughter Soundarya R. Ashwin .
One of a commentator on Youtube said about the vide - "2,000,000 views in 2 days is not an achievement, in Rajni terms. 90% of his fans are in rural areas with no computer access (and possibly never in their life). We're talking about almost every single soul in Tamil Nadu.Tamil speaking population is a minority number, even on YouTube."
The film Kochadaiyaan is first Indian film that utilised performance capturing technology or motion capture technology (MOCAP), this is same technology that has been used in hollywood blockbusters such as Avatar in 2009 and The Adventures of Tintin in year 2011.
Moreover, under another interesting technology Rajinikanth who is in lead role got his face scanned and a 3D model has been built to get the exact precision of his features, such as the scar on his nose. And then the 3D model goes for correction such as tightening his skin to make him look 25 years younger, the technology was used in the film Tron.
The 48 cameras captured performance of artistes' at 48 angles. The film was equipped with Auro 3D sound technology, becoming the third Indian film to do so.
The film is set to release in September 2013 and various Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam and and in foreign languages English, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.
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