
When to buy Apple Products with Max Savings [Infographic]

If you are about to buy any Apple product like iPod, iPhone, MacBook or iPad you can get best price with little wait and strategize your buying plan has done a research and found that after release of Apple products one can get Apple re-sellers discounts in a matter of a few months.

But how long will you have to wait?, for this analyzed and find out how much one has to wait to get best amount of re-sellers discounts by going through over a year's worth of Apple deals.



For example Apple recently slashed the price of its current iPad 4 tablets that hinted the release of its successors - iPad 5, imagine the price of iPad 4 if iPad 5 will release out so the idea is to hold and wait for get best deal. For example consider iPad mini, if you wait 3 months you can save $9 (around 450 INR) and  if you wait 5 months you can save $29 (1500 INR apprx)

In other words the data also suggest to wait if there is speculation of next release of Apple product and also hinted to buy from authorized Apple re-sellers to get maximum discount instead of buying directly from Apple.
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