Planning Commission of India, a government body which develop, executes and monitor five-year plans, a plan which laid the foundation of economy of the country for five-year terms and advises the central & state government on how to go about he future planning, now the planning commission has gone social media way so as to listen and capture what people of country has to say about the same.
[cp_quote style="quote_right_dark"]This is the first time since the independence that such a huge public feedback and thoughts are invited for any five-year plan in India.[/cp_quote]
To promote transparency and citizen engagement under Open Government Platform - OGPL, the planning commission via portal invites application as a - Hack the Plan over a 2-day period - 6th & 7th April 2013 and registrations for same will be accepted from 22nd March 2013 onward for ideas, innovations or thoughts for 12th five-year plan.
Participants can submit their ideas or stories as visualizations, infographics, short films, animations or web/mobile applications and any one with no restriction on age or profession can submit their respective plan in multiple categories and multiple times.
'Hack the Plan' event will be organized on 6th & 7th April 2013 by the National Innovation Council and the Planning Commission together with top institutions of the country such as IITs, IIITs, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and other institutes in 9 major cities. Prizes and certificates will be given in each category, not clear of what will be the prize though which otherwise can boost the enthusiasm among participants.
The 12th five-year plan (2012-17) in drafting stage which aims at the growth rate at 9.56% has deadline of September this year after taking all the approvals.
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