Think with Google, a YouTube's own channel is one platform that was much needed for long time and that's too on a such kind of social media tool that offer videos. The channel comprise industry viewpoints comprising insights on creativity, marketing, business strategy, trends, consumer insights etc. and the contributors includes Contributors already include Amazon’s Marketing Director Brian McBride,’s creative CEO Carlton Hood, innovative author and speaker Don Tapscott and London Mayor Boris Johnsson.
Bubble on another hand is one channel that is interactive in way that user can vote up and down videos ads on YouTube that's how they bubble up and down. YouTube has launched this interactive channel just after those Old Spice viral videos that every one is talking about. The purpose of channel is - " browse content by ads, check out the latest YouTube news or take a look at past viral advertising campaigns that have run on YouTube and if you are interested in learning about the benefits of advertising on YouTube, that its worth to check out 'How to', research and tools section in it.
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