Pfizer Wins CIO 100 Award for Patient Enrollment Optimization Solution From DecisionView

DecisionView's StudyOptimizer Reduces Patient Enrollment Time by 30-40 Days Per Trial, Saving $4 Million Annually

PR Newswire -- July 27, 2010

SAN FRANCISCO,July 27 /PRNewswire/ --DecisionView Inc., a leading provider of software solutions to optimize clinical trial enrollment for life sciences companies, is pleased to announce that Pfizer has won a CIO 100 award based on their successful deployment of DecisionView StudyOptimizer (see award details here: StudyOptimizer is a web-based patient enrollment optimization solution that automates the planning and tracking of patient enrollment for global clinical trials. It leverages predictive modeling to forecast enrollment end dates during planning, throughout execution and for modeling recovery scenarios when enrollment goes off track.

Pfizer Clinical Trial Enrollment Optimization

The CIO 100 2010 Winner Profile describes Pfizer's clinical trial enrollment optimization project this way:

"To help complete their clinical trials on time and on budget, Pfizer deployed DecisionView's StudyOptimizer, enabling clinical teams to optimize enrollment in trials using predictive modeling and visualization. The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based system allows users to analyze current data, forecast trial end-dates, and track the impact of possible course changes. Among its benefits, the system has reduced the time it takes to enroll patients by 30 to 40 days, saving $4 million annually."

CIO 100 Award Criteria

The 2010 CIO 100 Awards, sponsored by CIO magazine, honor 100 companies that are creating new business value by innovating with technology. The judges evaluated the applications according to two criteria: innovation and business value. CIO 100 winners had to demonstrate that they not only were able to create new value using IT and executed their project well, but also did so in uncommon, innovative ways:

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