Bridgeway Legal Hold 3.0 Puts In-House Legal Departments In Control

Enhancements Provide Improved Workflow, Unmatched Scalability and Customizable Reporting in a Defensible, Streamlined Solution

PR Newswire -- July 28, 2010

HOUSTON, July 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Bridgeway Software, the leading provider of legal enterprise management solutions, which includes eDiscovery, matter management, litigation management, and corporate governance, today delivered version 3.0 of its industry-leading Legal Hold solution. The latest release from Bridgeway features enhanced workflow, customizable custodian response analysis, and unparalleled scalability and advanced reporting to offer legal departments even more control of the legal hold process. Bridgeway Legal Hold enables legal departments to efficiently comply with evidence preservation obligations, interviews and collections through centralized management with the goal of remaining compliant and avoiding costly sanctions. Legal Hold 3.0 can be deployed as a stand-alone solution or in conjunction with Bridgeway's full eDiscovery offering, which integrates the entire eDiscovery process - preservation, collection, processing, review and production - into one seamless in-house solution.

Bridgeway Legal Hold 3.0 builds on the company's comprehensive approach to legal hold by incorporating a fully customizable questionnaire module to allow for a new level of accountability. With the questionnaire module, the hold administrator can create a customized set of questions and responses per matter and per recipient response type. The questionnaire strategy helps legal departments determine if the recipient is a custodian, instead of simply allowing the recipient of the notice to make that determination in order to more fully put the control in the hands of the hold administrator.

Bridgeway Legal Hold 3.0 also provides advanced response analysis capabilities, which can filter the responses received based on the answer set. Depending upon how the questions are answered, the legal department can take immediate action and route the recipients to interviews or take them straight to collections. This advanced response analysis dramatically improves the efficiency of workflow processes and routes information to the appropriate stage in discovery faster.

"Our customers need solutions that can integrate seamlessly with their business while providing the detailed information and intelligence needed to stay on top of any possible litigation they may face," said Rich Hall, vice president of eDiscovery Solutions at Bridgeway. "The enhancements in Legal Hold 3.0 deliver unmatched features and functionality at a price our customers can justify. With Legal Hold 3.0, in-house legal departments can just as easily manage 10,000 recipients as 10 recipients."

Additional enhancements in Bridgeway Legal Hold 3.0 include:

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