The Wikipedia search now includes the search suggestions, the ideology of which, is certainly taken after seeing the Google`s success on it. Moreover, the search bar can now be seen on the top right corner of the page.
With the improved editing tool bar, the article editors of the Wikipedia will definitely be at much ease. Wikipedia has also come up with two new wizards namely table and link wizards. Table wizards are there to make creating tables easier and link wizard allows its users to link to other pages on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia has also undergone some natty little changes. Its globe logo has been redesigned in three dimensions, featuring letters of more than 250 languages from all over the world.
Till now there has been a mixed response by the users regarding the Wikipedia`s new look. Some like it and some want the previous one. To solve this problem, Wikipedia has followed the Google`s way. Just like Google`s take it or leave it position with its new interface, it allows users to go back to classic MonoBook interface by clicking on the ‘take me back ‘link top of the page.