Lest say you need to know who is prime minister of india or say sachin tendulkar's birthday Google regular search will now show accurate answers right at the top of your results, sourced from across the web using its own Squared technology.
Noticeably it takes a lot of computing power to dig that search out of unstructured, fragmented and redundant information as data spilled all across the web.
Google Squared which is still in labs has been an early attempt from Google to find and extract structured data from unstructured data or say information overloaded all across the web.
Along with these new things Google now also shows more enhancement called - "Something Different" which is also powered by same Squared technology that bring out new features to the search results page in terms of related searches. For example - when you search on Google, you’ll see a new section at the bottom of the left-hand panel which contains related search terms. For example, search for 'zebra' (without quotes) and you’ll see other related searches such as 'giraffes', 'elephants' and 'hippos'.